Riley's Reason

A Non-Profit to Help Special Needs Children
In the Capital Region and Beyond

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Our Mission

Riley's Reason Inc. strives to honor Riley, and carry on her legacy, by helping other special needs children reach their full potential.

Our goal is to raise funds for other not-for-profit organizations close to Riley's heart- including STEP (Saratoga Therapeutic Equestrian Program), Jake's Help from Heaven, and Maddie's Mark.

Ways You Can Help

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Events Calendar

2021 Walk for Wishes

August 14th, 2021

We are SO excited to walk and fundraise for this year’s Walk For Wishes. We are committed to raising money for Make-A-Wish to help grant the wishes of children with critical illnesses. A wish gives children renewed energy and strength, brings families closer together and unites communities.

I cherish the incredible memories we made as a family with Riley during her own Make-A-Wish trip to Disney! We can honor her memory by helping to provide other families with the same beautiful experiences we had, which would not have been possible without the support of such a wonderful organization!

These life-changing wishes are only possible because of supporters like us. A wish experience can truly change a child’s life, and so can we!

Join my team or make a donation today!

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